Kenway Designs X ComeBack RP

Kenway Designs X ComeBack RP's Terms and Conditions Policy

See bottom section for amendment logs

This document outlines the rules and guidelines that governs the use of the ComeBack RP X Kenway Designs website along with products. By visiting, purchasing a product, or creating an account on this website these terms of services apply to the user.
These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of this website, applications, sold licensed software, or other associated platforms.

Business Details:

Business Name: ComeBack RP X Kenway Designs®
Contact Email:
Contact us:

1. Definitions

  1. “Product(s)” is used to describe the application, licensed software, or any item sold on our online store.
  2. “You”, “Your”, and “User” is used to describe the end-user viewing and reading this page.
  3. “Use” and “Using” is used to describe your use of the product, by either downloading, installing, activating, or running the product.
  4. “Agreement” refers to this document

2. Information and Product Use

  1. When agreeing to this agreement your information is kept on a secure network to protect your data as best as possible.
  2. Third parties are able to request access to your information. However, this request must meet the requirements set in place for each party to access your information.
  3. Using products in any way that is illegal (i.e. selling copyrighted works, threatening content) can result in breaching of this agreement. You can report any misconduct to with proof of breaching this section.
  4. ComeBack RP X Kenway Designs reserves the right at any point in time to remove your access and rights to a product for any reason with 0 repercussions on our end.

3. Third Parties and Security

  1. Some products require hosting to be put into a live World Wide Web environment. There is no restriction on where you can host the product to make it available to you. This mainly applies to products to be hosted on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or another type of online server.
  2. Any party that you give access to your host machine is required to follow this agreement. You are responsible for giving your third parties this agreement and having them create an account.
  3. You are responsible for the security of any owned product and not having this agreement breached. If the agreement is breached by a third party of yours, action can be taken against you and the others involved. It’s recommended to ensure this agreement is alongside the product to help protect yourself from breaching this agreement. See ‘Agreement Availability’ for more information.
  4. If you suspect your third party has breached this agreement contact ComeBack RP X Kenway Designs directly to help resolve the issue.
  5. We use the social media platform Discord as our community hub for support and general questions. This includes other community members.
    Members in our Discord may give suggestions for any support requests made. We accept no liability for misinformation spread from community members. We do have a dedicated product support team which are able to give verified advice.
  6. The product can only be used by the purchaser of the product, this includes for the use of the product. For example, using the product to host your friends store is not permitted. You can only use the product for projects/businesses you own. Exceptions can be granted by requesting to
  7. If you are removed from our Discord community or banned from it you may be banned on the website as-well. This does not happen in all cases, however be aware that it is a major possibility.

4. Product Alterations

  1. You’re able to edit the contents of a product as long as it meets the agreement in every way listed.
  2. You’re not permitted to alter, modify, edit, delete, or change the license system integration in our products.

5. Distributing Products

  1. No product is permitted to be re-distributed to other entities without written permission from ComeBack RP X Kenway Designs. This excludes a VPS and/or server hosting company as the product is still under your account through the hosting company.

6. Agreement and Service Availability

  1. This Agreement must remain in its original state and must not be modified in any way.
  2. This Agreement must be alongside the product at all times and not be removed.
  3. If our system(s) including the license system is offline some of your own services may become offline as a result.
  4. If a product is removed from our store DO NOT expect to be able to download it again. We encourage our customers and supporters to keep backups of their owned items at all times.

7. Product Credits and Authors

  1. Do not take credit for the product. Removing credits from inside the products file(s) is prohibited.
  2. Some products may have other authors/creators not directly listed in the product files themselves. These credits can be found via the store page for the product.

8. Payments and Refunds

  1. We currently only accept PayPal and Card transactions through the Stripe platform. We ourselves do not handle payments through our system.
  2. Refunds are handled per request. No guarantees are made for any refund request.
    To meet full refund requirements you must;

Kenway Designs TOS
Not have downloaded the product (Which Is Tracked)
Not have been more than 7 days

ComeBack RP TOS
See Rule #12.

We Do not offer partial refunds

Please note that once a refund has been granted upon request, the item will be removed and no longer be accessible.

9. Product Warranty and Gain

  1. This product is not to be exploited for personal, financial or commercial gain.
  2. Responsibility for any damages caused by this product or its misuse rest solely with the user, as the author(s) will accept no liability. Appropriate support can be given and provided where deemed needed.
  3. Products turn to legacy editions or become decommissioned overtime. When this happens we are not required to give you a refund, and will usually put notice that a product is reaching a legacy edition before decommissioning it.
  4. If a product becomes decommissioned or reaches a legacy edition, do not expect a refund unless you meet the refund criteria in Chapter 8, Section 2.

10. Agreement Violations

  1. Breaching and/or violating this agreement with a product can result in termination of services from ComeBack RP X Kenway Designs and/or its third parties. Investigations will be performed and all involved will have action taken on them where deemed necessary.
  2. If you have been found breaching and/or violating this agreement contact may be made with an affiliate group - Stronger Together Network. This is a group aimed at providing security to other product creators and helping the surrounding community remain safe. See their site for more details -
  3. If found breaching this agreement, your access and associated license key(s) will be deleted or restricted;
  4. Additionally, your account on our system may be banned, deleted, or disabled.

11. Basic Other TOS

➤ The Reselling of releases by Kenway Designs are strictly prohibited.
➤ Leaking of any paid releases by Kenway Designs is strictly prohibited.
➤ Any free releases by Kenway Designs are not to be uploaded or released on any other websites unless permission is given.
➤ Being a customer does not exclude you from being removed or blacklisted from Kenway Designs or following
➤ Ripping parts from any Kenway Designs releases is strictly prohibited.
➤ Avoiding a blacklist from Kenway Designs is strictly prohibited.
➤ Claiming ownership to any of Kenway Designs work is forbidden.
➤ Any watermarks or labels shall not be removed.
➤ At Kenway Designs we can deny the sale of an item for any reason at any point.
➤ Any sale made is final unless agreed upon otherwise by administration. Please do not chargeback as we put a lot of time into our work. The funds from the discord are used to create more custom commissions and works for the community, we respect our customers, we kindly ask for your respect in return.
➤ Breaking any of these will resolve in a globan ban.
➤ Commissions are able to be sold to public unless asked to not be sold and have paid the non sellable fee.

12. Comeback RP TOS

➤ “By purchasing, you have an agreed and receiving the role, you agree to the terms that any resources, liveries, money, scripts, or vehicles of any kind that are made or purchased that go into the server will be treated as a donation and once given to the community and put into the server it can not be removed unless the model or resource that was given is found to be stolen and the original author who did not agree to these terms wants it removed. Selling Personals is strictly prohibited unless a ticket is made and Rogers is in contact during the wholesale. Vehicles sold to somebody else will receive a free exchange if done properly. All donations are “non-refundable. If you are to leave the discord or be kicked or banned, you may not be able to receive your donator roles or have access to your personals anymore.”
➤ ComeBack RP Reserves the right at any time to pull any personal at any given time, for any reason.
➤ For donations involving non-keymastered vehicles, members need to send CBRP the funds to purchase the asset in addition to their donation amount. There are no exceptions.

Kenway Designs X ComeBack RP

Liveries, EUP, and More! Comeback RP's Fivem Server Packages.

Copyright © 2025 Kenway Designs X ComeBack RP - All rights reserved.

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